Monday 8 December 2008

Peace in Chaos

I love taking the boat shuttle into town daily - away from the hustle and bustle, no incessant honks and crazy motorcyclist find new ways to kill themselves.

It's a 20 minute peaceful quiet ride, which I can find time to do my QT (when I wake up bit late), eat my apple (breakfast), read some, prayer or just reflect.

I did some reflecting recently - about life here in Vietnam.
God opened the doors some months back, for the family to relocate here - and we are exceedingly thankful. God is really really good - my kids are fully settled in school, family settled in the country.
My kids got back a "progress" report, and I was just blown away at the detailedness of the report, and just how positive it read. Least to say, it is a completely refreshing change from the school reports from Singapore (won't say too much...).

I am extremely thankful my wife found her Quiet Time grove - she is God's gift to me, someone whom I treasure and love dearly.
We have started to get to know a few families, and I can already see good fellowship/friends ahead.
I've also started attending Men's Fellowship (see previous article), and look forward to it, to closer fellowship with fellow men in the faith.

And yet, all that could change within days or weeks - we live in an uncertain world.
In addition to the chaotic past few months (work wise) - I can honestly say I am really really contented right now.

Our version of peace is often defined by the lack of chaos.
It is peaceful, when the kids are asleep.
It is peaceful, when I'm chilling by the beachside, reading a book and lazying away.

Is it true peace, when it can be so fragile, easily shattered by our circumstance and what happens around us?
Can we actually have peace, in spite chaos around us?

One song which completely blows me away is "It is well with my soul" - lyrics below.
The background to the song is tremendous. Spafford lost his 4 children in a ship accident, wife survived. Eventually, he wrote this hymn in com­mem­o­ra­tion of the death of his child­ren.
How is it ever possible to have peace, after losing 4 children?
How is it ever possible to write that it is well with my soul after such a tragedy?

And yet, when we realize that God is in complete control of our lives, the good and bad, and that no matter what happens, how bad it is, Christ has already died for us, and redeemed us from the grasp of the evil one into the bosom of our heavenly Father.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.


It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.


My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!


For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.


But, Lord, ‘tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh trump of the angel! Oh voice of the Lord!
Blessèd hope, blessèd rest of my soul!


And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.


Wednesday 3 December 2008

Men's Fellowship

I stepped into a "church" building some 33 years ago.

I became a Christian some 16 years ago (yes, took me some time to get my act together) - and in all these years, I've had cell/bible-study/home groups grouped together based on faculty (Commerce Christians in Uni), type of student (Fellowship of Overseas Christians University Students), families (at Adam Road Presbyterian Centre), work (at my previous work place).

Strangely, I've never had a group based on... gender.
Sure, Ladies Fellowship was quite common (not that I was ever part of one), but Men's Fellowship? Anyway, I attended my first today!

The plan was to meet at 7am, once a week (and strangely, I found myself waking up almost every hour last night, checking the time, so that I would not oversleep).
A bunch of grown men, sitting around a table, with a cuppa - and you know what? I was really really encouraged.

A guy who shared that he was a fairly new Christian, and that he struggled from things going too well (erh.. sorta) - and I was blown away! After struggling with prosperity gospel previously, that was just refreshingly.... mature. It normally takes a good evangelical matured Christian to realize that things going all too smoothly, isn't always a good thing.

The dynamics are different from the family based (scripture based, but grouped by families I mean) bible study. There are struggles that us MEN have to deal with, and it's just encouraging that we can support each other in this way - what a revelation!

And that's why they have Ladies Fellowship all these years- we Men have been missing out!

Hebrews 10:25

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Dinner @ BenThan Market

We had night out, adventuring out for dinner @ the big market in the middle of the city - Ben Thanh market.

We used the universal guide to choosing food place - crowded with locals eating - which seems to almost never fail (hygiene optional). Well, this place seems akin to Seafood food stall @ old Newton, complete with touts and lots of types of seafood (see pix on right).

But what really caught our attention was this! 3 little frogs, still alive and strung up - for sale.

I must say that they didn't look all that happy, besides the top frog having the smell the b*tts of the bottom 2, their attempts to jump to freedom seemed a little futile.

[Right Pix] Here are my kids (happily smiling) posing with the frogs (not so happy), and other seafood for sale - all kinds of shell fish, snails, prawns... etc.

We don't eat the food raw.... it's grilled out in front [left]

The stuff is really fresh - the fish is wriggling on the grill. And very reasonable, we ordered Red Snapper, which was gutted live, seasoned and then grilled - which costs about S$8.

Definitely repeatable.

There was something interesting, which we only saw later, a deep fried sticky rice ball. A must try, the next time.

Oh, but recommended not to sit next to the "slaughter" table... bit noisy (with squeeling frogs, jumping fish being smashed), bits of stuff flying all over ... messy....

Saturday 9 August 2008

Private Jet Adventure

I got to fly on a lear jet, although i was most disappointed that there was no champaigne, strawberries or even choice of movies.

how did it happen? it's a story in itself.... so here goes.

it started on tuesday midnight. i had a gastric attack, and after 2 gastric pills, i was sorted out.
on Wed midnight, the gastric attack hit again. but this time, after the gastric pills, panadol, antiacid, the pain didn't go away. the pain was a little different. gastric pains, comes in waves. this time, it was constant acute pain, that didn't go away. i tried to even induce vomit, but didn't feel better.

at 4am, i decided that i couldn't tahan anymore, called the customer service and ordered a taxi.
we (with my wife of coz) headed to the nearest hospital "International SOS", and didn't find anyone there. after 5 mins of calling out, someone finally appeared.
first order of the day, was painkiller to rid the pain. eventually it did go away, although it took a while, when the first "mild" dose didn't work.

The doctor then did ultrasound *what... did I look pregnant?*, but found nothing wrong with the other organs. i also did an ECG *in case there is heart infection*, but came out nothing. another ECG 1 hr later, confirmed nothing wrong with my heart.
Blood test showed a slightly higher count of white blood cells (possibly of infection), but nothing series.

after eliminating most options, it was thus left to it being gastric.
appointment made at the French-Vietnam hospital for endoscope, so made my way there, for an interview with the person who was going to do the GA whilst i do the endoscope *decided not to brave a tube sticking into my throat searching my stomuch, w/o one*.

then i headed back to SOS hospital to rest.
the SOS staff paid a lot of attention to my neighbor, where were going to be evacuated to bangkok for some treatment, but they kinda left me alone. the nurse did pop in every hour, to ask if i was ok, and i said "pain", then she left - doing nothing. great.
i got a bit fed up, and questioned why she wasn't giving me any medication, whether gastric or painkiller, and the nurse says I am already full of gastric meds. i get to take panadol though...
I questioned another staff, who called this canadian doctor, who reprimanded the nurse right in front of me, then reprimanded me (your job is to tell me that u have pain, not that it is gastric)... duh.... what on earth have i been doing whole day?

well, at abt 4pm, the pain started at where the appendix was, and another doctor (thank God, not the scummy one) eventually decided to sent me for CT scan.
they transferred me to a stretcher, i closed my eyes to enjoy the ride. suddenly, the smooth surface i being wheeled on, turned to rough pavement, and feel motorbikes zooming around! i opened my eyes, and i was on the streets of Ho Chi Minh! i soon reached the ambulance, and loaded in, then headed to another hosp.

after the scan, the accompanying nurse showed me the report which said "accute appendicities", and said that likely i needed surgery. i was quite pleased, coz they finally found the cause of the my pain/problems.

well, dr. scum received me back at SOS, and told me i had 3 choices: medivac to Bangkok (????), Singapore, or FV hosp in HCMC (best healthcare around, but not up to standard of bangkok or singapore). after consulting my bosses, and the SOS international folks in singapore, we decided to go FV hosp for consultation, and if confirmed needed surgery (dr. scum said likely don't need one, but only surgeon can decide), will fly offf to singapore.

halfway there, the ambulance turned around, and returned back to SOS.... the accompanying doctor, looked at the CT scan, and informed dr. scum that i need surgery. so arrangements was made to fly back.

at abt 8pm, the hosp started to arrange for my flight (and they started to be then really nice to me... sheeze). well, by 2am, i was transferred to hosp, headed to airport, loaded on the private jet... yes, the lear jet.

oh Lear Jet, yes, pretty small, just enuf space for2 rows of chairs. they stripped one out, to fit in a stretcher (and me on it). lifted off 3am, reached singapore 5.30am (1 hr time diff), reach Mt Elizabeth hospital at 6ish, wheeled into operation room 7am.

just a 20min procedure, and i was wheeled back to my room, all drugged from the GA.
Surgeon did show me a pix of my appendix, and said that it was very close to bursting, and just made it in time, so thank God.

so, here i am, in singapore, stuck for a week or so. waiting to return to my family left behind in Vietnam HCMC. sigh....

Friday 4 July 2008

Interesting last day in Singapore

It's been a crazy month.

nearly a week away for church camp in early June.
Then 1 week in Malaysia, and another week in Philippines.

And I had to pack for 3 years in Vietnam (I'm relocating there, for the uninformed) to move on 2 July. I intended to leave earlier on 1 July, run some errands and start packing - so I left office at abt 3.45 pm.
I head into Clementi Ave 6, and swing into AYE (thru this loopy road). As I near AYE, I see a white car in front, and turned my head to the right to look out for traffic. There's a bus, slowing down at the bus stop - so I slowly go forward.


uh oh.

Here's another look

MY FIRST ACCIDENT! and it had to be a police car. sigh.
Strangely, the 2 policemen got out, and didn't look too pleased.

oh... this was what my car looked like:

I was a little surprised to see so much damage on them, and relatively minor damage on mine.
Yeah.. number plate got totaled - oh well.

so much for my plan to run errands and pack.

they called their supervisor, i had to wait. supervisor comes with camera man.
followed the police car to Queenstown police station - to take police statement for damaging government property... urgh.

i finally finish at 5.30pm, just enough time to rush to IDAC before they close at 6pm.

Did I mention I was going to fly off at 7am the next day?

Monday 30 June 2008

Injection Party

For a different kind of family outing, we decided to get ourselves vaccinated (thanks Liz for the tip), so we trotted to TanTockSeng Hosp - Travellors Clinic.
After a quick consultation - the nurse was really efficient, going through all the kids' vaccination records from diff countries, and ticked off all the jabs we need - a total of 14 injections plus a blood test for the 5 of us... whooppie! Yes, 3 of each of us, with my oldest son getting only 2, and my wife getting the icing on the cake - blood test. "lucky" her....

Now, the kids were surprisingly not all that excited about this, when my wife mentioned it the day before (note: never tell your kids that they are going to get injections before hand). when I got back on Friday night, they spent considerable amount of time trying to get us to change our minds and skip this party! FUTILITY.

Where was I? oh yes, injection party. My oldest decided not to go first, so we got DiYann to go. I tell you, in 5 seconds, it was over.... 1 stab on the right arm, and 2 successive quick ones on the left. My daughter didn't even cry, scream... just looked a bit stunned that it was all over so fast.

My youngest went next... he did say "ouch" during the 2nd jab... but was smiley after that.
[my daughter was bit boastful, saying how she wanted more... bah!]
Well, my oldest went next.... froze, panicked, I grabbed hold, 2 jabs... and well... in case he ever reads my blog... let's just say that his reaction was unique. it's been quite a long time since we brought him for any injections.

[FLASH BACK! I immediately remembered some 8 years back. The first time we brought him to see the local Indon Paed, a Dr. Boy, he was ok. Stunned he was, when he got the first jab, the next visits... he really had the same fear/panic of needles.]

Anyway, we all had a good laugh, after it was over, with a sore left arm, and us covered with plasters.

Oh, we ended the party with a visit to Richard (see previous post), who was also at TTSH. Gracie had "invited" me a few days back to go visit, so I thot that since I was already there, and our kids have all been praying for him - it'll be good for them to see for themselves how God works!

When I got there, I heard Richard asking the doctor - so can I go home now? I nearly laughed. the doctor declined his request gently - wonder why.
But it was really nice to see him - reading newspaper, watching tv. He spoke pretty normally, with a slight swelling on his left head. My kids were surprisingly well behaved (i half feared that they would ask something really stupid/insensitive). We prayed together again, and left him to rest.

How God is so good. What a miracle of miracles... right before our very eyes. He is scaled down version of Lazarus, with all glory to God as God snatched him from the jaws of death. God indeed has a plan for him, a plan that would bring God even more glory.
We take our lives for granted - a good reminder that we are all on leasehold, with the tenancy agreement able to be expire at any notice.

Let us then live our lives, as how we shoud live - with God as God of our lives, and we as his children.

Better get your act together.
Don't wait for the eleventh hour, coz God could have arranged an appointment with you at half past ten.

Sunday 15 June 2008

be careful what you ask God for - you may actually get it!

The leadership in church wanted us to work on our prayer, so God gave us Richard Chiam during church camp (5-9 June 08) to prayer for... lots and lots of prayer.

Richard, whom we just had over for dinner before church camp, was suffering from a headache for abt 2 weeks. On Friday, he went over to the medical center for a check up, after a 2 hr observation, he was sent back with some medication.
He took a nap after lunch, but when Gracie (wife) went to him at about 4pm, he couldn't be woken! Off to hospital, CT scan and doctors find a blood clot in his brain.

Elder Adrian (alsoa gynae) broke the news to us all before night talk (abt 700 of us). I was stunned, and I found myself fighting back the tears. But we prayed, all 700 of us. We even rostered to pray through the night - I decided to do the unthinkable, and wrote my name down for the 3.30-4.30am slot. Thankfully, my wife agreed, and we actually set alarm, work up and prayed for 1 hour!

We really prayed at every opportunity - each morning, each evening, each bible study, each update on Richard. And I felt that we glimpsed at what heaven will be like!
I thank God for the opportunities to pray, I never prayed so much, and even with mom each time! That was a miracle in itself (an opportunity to prayer lots with my mom).

Well, we certainly met one of the objectives of the church leaders, God sure has his way of answering prayer, about prayer.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.


Tuesday 3 June 2008

Of Fishes and Bugs, the Tale ends

It's a sad day whenever u part with cherished possessions.

It's a sad day, that I entrusted my fish bowl (pix left) to a good friend to take care off. I've had this for quite a few years, from my CM office in Sommerset, to Science Park 1, and finally to Science Park 3.
I've gone through a few batches of fish, some don't do so well (dwarf gouramis, clown loach, shrimps), some do (guppies, otos, kullie loach). I've had the pleasure of witnessing quite a few guppy births - abt 10-20 babies each batch, but only 4-5 survived (ok, most died eventually). I will miss my good trusty companion.

Last thursday (12 June) was another sad day - when I sold my bug (see real tears on the left, and the very last pix of me in my bug driving off into the sunset... erh morning sun, to handover to the new buyer, on the right)
This is a bug I've had for a year. I was apprehensive when I got it, struggling with the gears. But I grew totally in love with it, in all its mechanical glory. Every sound, smell, the wind in my hair (I always drive with the windows wound down), and even the memories of the car dying on me in the middle of CTE tunnel (ran out of petrol... again... sigh).

I advertised on sgcarmart (best website for selling/buying cars), and sold it to John - nice young chap, first time car owner, and bug owner (brave guy), real deja vu.
And the funny thing is, he ran out of petrol a couple of hours after I last saw the bug! hilarious. "Curse of the Bug" my wife says... but good thing that he had the tin can to get petrol. deja vu.
Hey John, take good care of her, and I hope that she's as good to you as she was to me.

Best ride I've ever own. Thanks for the memories.

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Pray Answered!

God answers prayer.

He does! but not always how we'd like it sometimes... but he does.

Well, I've been wrestling in prayer (somewhat) for the last couple of weeks - related to my previous blog topic. I hate it most, when I know the theory bit, but my hard is hardened and wants to resist. At least if I could justify it away, my conscience wouldn't bug me so much.

In preparing for bible study this Sunday, I came across Romans 5:3-5.
And we did this at Discipleship Group study couple of months back, and I remember then that this is my achilles heel, that I cannot rejoice at suffering.
But when things go ok, it is easy to forget Romans 5:3-5, or even James 1 (on God's definition of Pure Joy).

Well, reading it again, was a breath of fresh air.
That's my problem (unable to take any form of persecution/suffering), and God is answering my prayer right now!
See, I can't really swim freestyle all that far - and if I really wanted to (I don't) to improve on my freestyle, the only way is really to swim it as much and as far as I can. It ain't gonna be pretty or easy, but it'll get me there.
And if I don't have patience, I don't pray "I want patience NOW!". No, God puts us through trials and tribulations, to gives us opportunities to practice and develop patience.

God is right now, teaching me to see "suffering" in His light, not mine. One of the purposes of suffering (besides being a nasty side effect of the fall), is per Romans 5, to teach us perseverance (which unfortunately can be developed only by under going trials), and that develops character (which unfortunately can be developed again through trials & perseverance).

Is loving my enemies the right thing to do? YES
Is living life God's way the best way to live? YES
Is it conceivable for me to say I love God, and still hate my enemies? NO

And if I want to learn to love my enemies, God will answer my prayer, and give me enemies to practice loving ~ seems so simple, but duh...

So thank you God.
Thank you for considering me worthy enough, for my faith to be refined.
Thank you for giving me hope that will never disappoint!
Thank you for the grace of God which strengthens us, guides and never leaves us.
Thank you for answering my prayer.

Romans 5:3-5
...we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Monday 17 March 2008

Love your enemies

Oh, how I hate that command...

Why, why, why... God, did you have make us do the impossible?!!
Why love those who despise me?
Why pray for those who unfairly critisize me?
Why forgive those who make my life miserable?

Turn the other cheek? walk an extra mile when unfairly told to walk one mile?
Give the tunic for those who unfairly demand your coat?
Why God, oh why, is it so unfair?!!

And yet you did.
You loved those who rejected you.
You forgave those who crucified you.
You came to die for those who told you to get lost from their lives?
You died for the sin that is mine.... is that fair?

To be fair, we would be still enemies of God, as we shake our fists in his face
To be fair, we would bear the judgement of sin, that is rightfully mine.
To be fair, God would have excercised some Quality Control, and gotten rid of us, as we failed to live up to his standards.

God demonstrated his own love for us, whilst we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
God walked the talk
And God will continue to help us to love our neighbours, esp our enemies as we are freed from the slavery of sin, and now free to serve God.

Please God, teach me to love my enemies, those who hate me, and those I hate.
It's so hard, every fibre in me tells me to hate my enemies.
Oh teach me God... that I may obey...

Matthew 5:43-48
"You have heard that it was said, `Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Monday 18 February 2008


Such is life.

We prayed for Angela Lee, colleagues' bible study leader, whilst she waits in hospital, battling the cancer that is ravaging her body. Angela, all of 37 years, went to glory with her Lord Jesus that night.

Then I heard that my cousin's wife has 3rd stage cancer - I was stunned beyond belief.
Well, my wife and I have grown quite close to my cousin and his wife in the recent year, they've had a tough past year or two, and now their greatest challenge.

Cancer isn't something that happens to young folks in my age! Death is something faced by the generation above me, my aunties/uncles and up.

Yet in all this, God is still sovereign, and in my naive take, I do think that God is drawing them both to Him. Yes, unfortunately, sometimes God uses life's trials and tribulations to bring us to our knees, forcing us to admit that we are not gods, not in control of the world, not even in control of our own bodies and circumstances - pretending that God doesn't exist or just plain ignoring him is completely futile.

But I plead for God's grace,
- that in his mercy that it is in His will to heal my cousin's wife.
- And more importantly, He will lift the veil of darkness that is separating them from Him, and they will come to acknowledgement Jesus is our Lord and Savior.

My prayer is that they will know the true LIE that is found in Jesus - now that's Life!

Philippians 4:4-7
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Thursday 24 January 2008


This is a week of many firsts.

I got to spend a week here in Tokyo, my very first trip to the land of the rising sun.
Well, after 15+ years of recession, the sun is starting to shine again, until the stock market /subprime collapse that is....

The shopping malls are quite something. Went to a newish one called "Midtown" - it is nothing like any of the malls in Singapore. They use this really nice timber decking inside, corridors are really wide, furniture carved from a big block of wood - very nicely done and stylish; even the the smoking room had a row of plasma screen showing stuff. very upmarket, very plush.

Well, I generally love whales, and on Monday night, my first Japanese meal in a Japanese restaurant, I missed the opportunity to try some. It was only after reading the greenpeace clash and Jap whaling ship on Tuesday, did I ask my colleague where I could try some "scientifically researched" whale meat - and she said that it was on the menu Monday nite (the menu was completely Japanese), but she didn't think of ordering (what?!!!! drats... sigh).

On Tuedays afternoon, we had a simple meal at joint, tempura with rice. Amazing, it costs like S$20 - I was quite blown away.

On Tuesday nite, good friend of mine Laurence too me to this this lovely "pub", which looks like an old chinese inn - half expected lady from Kill Bill to burst through and start slashing everyone! (apparently, Quentin T got inspiration for Kill Bill Jap scene from this restaurant).

Food was lovely, he calls it Izakaya (or something), but is like the decent yakitori grills back home. My favorite was grilled black cod - the Japanese really know their fish, and how to cook em. (see pic of chef with their wonderful well exhausted grills)
I saw this "Squid with fermented fish guts" and of course I had to order it! Unfortunately, it turned out fairly tame - mostly raw squid, with bits of stuff in it.

On Wednesday morning, when I woke up, I saw snow flakes floating outside the window, in all directions - my first snowfall! witnessed 37 stories up in my hotel - really beautiful (see pic left... but not so clear)

I was quite miffed coz when I was in Korea last week, it snowed the week before, and the week after (this week). so I missed it even though it was like -10 degrees.
It was supposed to snow in Tokyo Monday/Tuesday, and it didn't... but quite thrilled it did on Wednesday. Moreover, it was Tokyo's first snow in many winters! amazing. well, it wasn't really heavy snow, not quite cold enough (it was abt 1-2 degrees), so it was half snow/drizzle when it fell. if u squin your eyes enough, u can see the bits of snowfall in the 2nd pics above.

Ok, more food thots (do I ever think of anything else?)
Then on Wednesday afternoon, had a nice lunch with bankers, top floor of the building, with this guy cooking right in front of you with the freshest foods (had fillet mignon). the entire meal was like $40, with starters, cooking on the spot, pretty much the works.
A lot of the nicer meals are like $50, which is really reasonable considering that the cheap meals are already nearly $20.
The cheap food is expensive, and the expensive food is cheap - if that makes sense.
Oh toilets! The toilets in Japan is super shiok. In winter, the seat is heated, even the "public" toilets.
Next to the toilet bowl is this row of gadgets, with 2 bidet sprays (one for the bum, the other for the... erh.... nevermind); plus if u see the pics on the left, there's one with the musical notes? music for the ears? yes, but not yours - for others.
Erm, if u press it, u get not music, but a toilet flushing sound - so that any undesirable noises can be masked. funny... certainly a first for me - not the noise lah... the flushing sound.

All in all, it was certainly quite an interesting visit.
It would be a lovely place to come with my wife (only... haha no kids).
And I sure missed her - now, that's not the first.