Wednesday 19 March 2008

Pray Answered!

God answers prayer.

He does! but not always how we'd like it sometimes... but he does.

Well, I've been wrestling in prayer (somewhat) for the last couple of weeks - related to my previous blog topic. I hate it most, when I know the theory bit, but my hard is hardened and wants to resist. At least if I could justify it away, my conscience wouldn't bug me so much.

In preparing for bible study this Sunday, I came across Romans 5:3-5.
And we did this at Discipleship Group study couple of months back, and I remember then that this is my achilles heel, that I cannot rejoice at suffering.
But when things go ok, it is easy to forget Romans 5:3-5, or even James 1 (on God's definition of Pure Joy).

Well, reading it again, was a breath of fresh air.
That's my problem (unable to take any form of persecution/suffering), and God is answering my prayer right now!
See, I can't really swim freestyle all that far - and if I really wanted to (I don't) to improve on my freestyle, the only way is really to swim it as much and as far as I can. It ain't gonna be pretty or easy, but it'll get me there.
And if I don't have patience, I don't pray "I want patience NOW!". No, God puts us through trials and tribulations, to gives us opportunities to practice and develop patience.

God is right now, teaching me to see "suffering" in His light, not mine. One of the purposes of suffering (besides being a nasty side effect of the fall), is per Romans 5, to teach us perseverance (which unfortunately can be developed only by under going trials), and that develops character (which unfortunately can be developed again through trials & perseverance).

Is loving my enemies the right thing to do? YES
Is living life God's way the best way to live? YES
Is it conceivable for me to say I love God, and still hate my enemies? NO

And if I want to learn to love my enemies, God will answer my prayer, and give me enemies to practice loving ~ seems so simple, but duh...

So thank you God.
Thank you for considering me worthy enough, for my faith to be refined.
Thank you for giving me hope that will never disappoint!
Thank you for the grace of God which strengthens us, guides and never leaves us.
Thank you for answering my prayer.

Romans 5:3-5
...we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

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