Tuesday 3 June 2008

Of Fishes and Bugs, the Tale ends

It's a sad day whenever u part with cherished possessions.

It's a sad day, that I entrusted my fish bowl (pix left) to a good friend to take care off. I've had this for quite a few years, from my CM office in Sommerset, to Science Park 1, and finally to Science Park 3.
I've gone through a few batches of fish, some don't do so well (dwarf gouramis, clown loach, shrimps), some do (guppies, otos, kullie loach). I've had the pleasure of witnessing quite a few guppy births - abt 10-20 babies each batch, but only 4-5 survived (ok, most died eventually). I will miss my good trusty companion.

Last thursday (12 June) was another sad day - when I sold my bug (see real tears on the left, and the very last pix of me in my bug driving off into the sunset... erh morning sun, to handover to the new buyer, on the right)
This is a bug I've had for a year. I was apprehensive when I got it, struggling with the gears. But I grew totally in love with it, in all its mechanical glory. Every sound, smell, the wind in my hair (I always drive with the windows wound down), and even the memories of the car dying on me in the middle of CTE tunnel (ran out of petrol... again... sigh).

I advertised on sgcarmart (best website for selling/buying cars), and sold it to John - nice young chap, first time car owner, and bug owner (brave guy), real deja vu.
And the funny thing is, he ran out of petrol a couple of hours after I last saw the bug! hilarious. "Curse of the Bug" my wife says... but good thing that he had the tin can to get petrol. deja vu.
Hey John, take good care of her, and I hope that she's as good to you as she was to me.

Best ride I've ever own. Thanks for the memories.

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