Wednesday 3 December 2008

Men's Fellowship

I stepped into a "church" building some 33 years ago.

I became a Christian some 16 years ago (yes, took me some time to get my act together) - and in all these years, I've had cell/bible-study/home groups grouped together based on faculty (Commerce Christians in Uni), type of student (Fellowship of Overseas Christians University Students), families (at Adam Road Presbyterian Centre), work (at my previous work place).

Strangely, I've never had a group based on... gender.
Sure, Ladies Fellowship was quite common (not that I was ever part of one), but Men's Fellowship? Anyway, I attended my first today!

The plan was to meet at 7am, once a week (and strangely, I found myself waking up almost every hour last night, checking the time, so that I would not oversleep).
A bunch of grown men, sitting around a table, with a cuppa - and you know what? I was really really encouraged.

A guy who shared that he was a fairly new Christian, and that he struggled from things going too well (erh.. sorta) - and I was blown away! After struggling with prosperity gospel previously, that was just refreshingly.... mature. It normally takes a good evangelical matured Christian to realize that things going all too smoothly, isn't always a good thing.

The dynamics are different from the family based (scripture based, but grouped by families I mean) bible study. There are struggles that us MEN have to deal with, and it's just encouraging that we can support each other in this way - what a revelation!

And that's why they have Ladies Fellowship all these years- we Men have been missing out!

Hebrews 10:25

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

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