Tuesday 5 May 2015

Facebook Sabbatical

I'm quietly angry, and I don't want to blog why.

So I'm going to do something radical - I'm going on a Facebook Sabbatical.
Why Facebook? I don't know. Seems like an easy target, that hurts.

Eilen Wong was the first to introduce me to FB back in... 2006? Wow, that is a long time.
It was actually when I started my first blog, and we got talking somehow. And she introduced me to FB then, which like Friendster - I thought... really? But it's for kids!

Anyway, I signed up, most of my friends weren't on.
I remember playing online games like "Counter-strike", silly game which I got addicted to, then I deleleted. Then Warbook (most addictive and time sucking of the lot), Empires and Allies, Candy Crush - oh..... I do like these little games don't I? Each time, I found myself too addicted, too unwilling to let go, I knew I had to go cold turkey and delete the game. Only way to go.

Like smoking. ish.

So nearly 10 years on Facebook, and I think not a day passes without me checking in, used to be to see what my "friends" are up to, but nowadays, for trending and breaking news. It's the easiest single source of info.

Every single day... for the last 10 years or so.

Anyway, I am upset... did I mention that?
And I'm going to take it out on Mark Zuckerberg, although I doubt he would lose any sleep over my drastic action. In fact, I bet no one would notice. Doesn't matter - I'll notice.

For one, I want to see what impact this has in my life. Hello withdrawal symptoms!
Secondly, just curious to see if anyone notices... probably not... how sad after giving 10 years of my life to this.
Thirdly, being hurt, I want to inflict pain on myself - not physical pain of course - just.... emotional pain? I want to cut myself off. I want to withdraw... socially.

Ok, Facebook did warn me that I would lose all admin privileges on the pages I manage.
So I chickened out, and created a second dummy account. And I set it to be "auto activate after 7 days". I wanted longer, but... I was afraid. Who knows, I may log back in just to extend a longer de-activation.

Ok, changed my mind! Reactivated my account. Not bad... survived 5 minutes. Hands barely shook.... I set the auto activate to 28 days.

So.... by the time this post gets on Facebook, whenever that is...  probably in a month.

Did u miss me? I didn't think so.

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