Tuesday 15 March 2016

Wishlist for All Saints

I had a nice lunch with the folks I work with @ All Saints Anglican church - where I have been Treasurer for the last 4 years. I am very thankful for their partnership in the gospel, the opportunity for me to serve alongside - and their love for God's people in Indonesia.

During lunch John S asked me an interesting question - what would my wishlist be for All Saints. So I gave it some thought, shared it. So, if I were to come back in 10 years (say), I would love to see

1.Breaking down of walls within
Through the years, I see some "walls" being built up. It was good to see the wall between Menteng and South Jakarta broken down.
I would like to see Outreach ministry and All Saints be much more integrated. I kinda kick started the process just, but I hope to see that we are one, one church, one body of Christ, doing what God wants to do in Indonesia.

2.Breaking down of walls without
I still think there is a lot of distrust/wall with GAI and Diocese of Singapore - both of which we need, and are in a legal way - the parent church/entity - although we are pretty much self sustaining.
All Saints needs to keep think outside of All Saints, the gospel work outside of the church.
GAI as a denomination isn't at all thriving, short of pastors and funding - and I think we have a big role to play in building the whole denomination, taking in pastoral interns, encouraging GAI pastors, supporting them however we can.

There's also a lot of distrust with the Diocese of Singapore. They move slowly, very very slowly. They don't seem to trust us, and most people in All Saints think we don't need them - except for Constitution changes, otherwise, they are a thorn in the side, of no help, only hindrance.

Well, I would like the Diocese to be much more responsive - treat All Saints as one of their congregations as we are. It needs to be a 2 way street. Our communication isn't as good as it can be.
I would like for All Saints to work with GAI and Diocese - use the network All Saints have (rather than just reinvent the wheel) - and together build up the Anglican church in Indonesia, and see the gospel grow.

If GAI fails, we will suffer.
If there is poor communication with Diocese, we will suffer.
And God's work will suffer.

3.Be all things to all men
I would like to All Saints to have a new service that is less liturgical, bit more lively, less formal - but still good bible teaching. Just as there is a place for liturgy - some people are more comfortable with it - there is also many people who wish to have less liturgy (like me!), and attract that group of people raised on Hillsongs - but will solid bible teaching.

With the change of demographics, I would like to see All Saints grow also Indonesian service it has. We are no longer just an "expat" church. We are part of the gospel here in Indonesia, and I would like to see us bring more Indonesians in, have full time Indonesian ministers.

4.Vibrant Youthwork
I think what is lacking is a vibrant youth ministry. As many know, my kids have decided to go IES for church instead of All Saints. It's a pretty sad state, there aren't many kids.
A good solid youth ministry is key to grow of the church. You would attract families. People will come and hear the gospel.

5.Good use of Menteng
This is new (I didn't mention this yesterday).
The land we have in Menteng is a tremendous resource, and a valuable one.
It has in the past been a thorn in the side - and I would like to see the placed used for more than just All Saints meeting.

Past leaders had vision to redevelop the land. I see a new building, used by GAI and other Christian organizations, maybe a place for Langham to conduct its training; a place to equip the saints, a place to to be used for God's glory. And if it becomes such a burden, a source of contention, an idol - then maybe sell it for better use. The church cannot be about a piece of land, or a building, but the people of God. Let's not lose our focus on that. I pray.

ok, 5 things on my wishlist.
All in God's good hands, and in the hands of his people.

Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:14-16 The Message.

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