Thursday 2 January 2014

2013 reflections & possibly even 2014 resolutions?

Wow, another year has flown by. Seems like a good time to reminisce about what has gone by - I think it is a worthwhile excercise to reflect on the past, so that you don't waste the new year coming by.

1.Past Resolutions
For some strange reason (possibly even health), I thought that soft drinks, in particular COKE, was less than healthy. I don't drink a lot of soda, but Coke was something I've always enjoyed. Over the last few years, I gave up regular Coke, and went mostly/always with Coke zero or light.

A year back or so, I decided to give up Coke altogether. and voila! 1 year anniversary of being coke free - the drink, not the drug. This, I think I'll keep on.

I don't remember making any other past resolutions, so.... aim at nothing and be disappointed not.

Having decided that exercising was too much effort.... I decided to just eat less carbs. Less painful. My weight swung a bit, from 84kg one and a half years ago, down to 75 kg sometime before - ending the year at nearly 80kg (complacent, started eating more, and Christmas time seems like a good time to not eat less....).

2014: I havn't yet decided whether to actually hit the gym, or attempt running. All these people getting injured through sports (Michael Schumacher skiing, friend Chor Yin falling whilst biking, another:  friend injured from running) - considering not exercising for health reasons.

Ok fine!  I'm going to run or gym twice a week. Bad feeling that this is the first resolution to break....

My 3rd year of photography - has not been all that eventful or ground breaking.
I mentioned to a good friend - I am a lot more "discerning" and shoot less. When I started, I shot everything - flowers, food, scenery.

Like recently, we went to Gardens by the bay- which seems like a photography paradise. But I didn't even take out my camera at the flower dome. Only shot a few at the cloud dome. I've seem lots of good pictures posted by friends, and I didn't think I caught something differently, or was able to shoot something magical or outstanding - so didn't try. So only a few family shots to remember the occasion, hardly award winning. I'm also "struggling" to shoot something worthwhile in Jakarta.

My "best" photography this year was during my trip to Perth. I shot lots, beautiful scenery, new place - that's great inspiration to shoot lots. I was happy with those shots.

My fav was probably this on the right - of my 2 boys silhouetted by setting sun.  
I also love this shot on the Costa Atlantica during extended family holiday - the light was just amazing.

2014: I'm going to
a. Go on my first photo trip - Mt. Bromo. I missed any good photo opportunities in 2013, and wanted to go back. Finding out a Singaporean organizing a trip in May, was a godsend. My first proper photography workshop I'm attending!

b. Learn photoshop. I'm terribly impressed by Jonathon Danker - amazing Singaporean landscape photographer, who works hard at getting the shot, and photoshop to blend the image - such that you can't tell how magical the shot is, until you try and copy the shot.

Hopefully, learning photoshop (I sign up for the creative cloud during black friday) - will open up new ways of seeing things, and capturing things on camera. Let's see how.

c. Possibly buy a macro lens. Just to broaden my photography horizons.

It's been a sort of watershed year, for one of my kids ("X"). He shall remain anonymous, since he can be sensitive, especially in his teenage years. Anyway, X went through a rough patch, and for the first time, didn't bounce back like previously. X seemed ok on the surface, but issues came out in other ways, for a few months.

What was more meaningful, was an opportunity (for us as parents), to get a chance to have a heart-to-heart talk with X, even talking about issues going back 13 years!

I'm glad that X got to know the Basic kids at ARPC, during church camp this year, for the first time really hanging out with them. I think the bonds are so important, esp in a few years time, Army calls, and hopefully he'll have Christian friends to bond with, during those "desert" days of being "alone" in Singapore. And also especially since I think he doesn't have anyone he hangs out with at church here in Jakarta.

Y grew up. Sigh, not so little any more- although she'll always be my little girl. Struggles in her study, but amongst the 3 - probably works the hardest (relatively) at her school work. That I'm thankful for. Results aren't as important.

Z is now cheekier. Seems to be getting skinnier, but probably has changed the least amongst the 3. Although I'm sad that he doesn't seem to have any friends in church. How sad when my boys rather just sit by themselves after church, than go play with other kids.

As a family unit, I think we have strengthened. Kids are growing up, we as parents have to try and adapt, and change too. But living in Jakarta - despite all its warts - its given us time together as a family. It gets chaotic sometimes, kids get annoying (esp when all 3 are together!) sometimes.... but I am thankful on the whole.

I am especially thankful for my wife, who seems to be growing more and more Christ like! She's a better mum than a year before (can't say that for myself), still faithfully keeping the home, being super wise (compared with me) when things get dicey with kids. Her self control and patience when dealing with the kids - is an inspiration for me.

On extended family, I was very sad with the passing of my cousin's wife. I'm blessed that my cousin has grown in Christ, through a very difficult time. Their daughter seem to tremendously matured and strong (mentally, emotionally). Keeping them in prayer constantly.

2 uncles (both mum's brother in laws) passed away as well. Sigh.

2014: Maybe I will sit through that Alpha parenting course after all.

And with kids growing up, I need to work a bit harder at being a better dad, and a spiritual leader at home. I want my kids to grow to be more like Christ - that is my greatest desire for them. Can I say 1 year down the track that they've grown to know Jesus better? I'm not sure I can say this for 2013...

5.Spiritual Walk

Talking about growing to be more like Jesus, I'm not sure from a human perspective, I've grown in Christ in 2013 (related to #6 below....). So it isn't surprising that I think my kids are in the same boat.

2014: Things I want to do:
a. QT. My QT had been a bit patchy 2nd half of the year. So I'm going to work on my discipline of reading the bible and praying. Anyone want to be my accountability partner?

b.Prayer. I need to be consistently praying for my kids, my family.

c.Ministry. Very much depends on what doors God opens. Humanly speaking, I rather be less admin, and more hands on. Needs prayer.

d.Spiritual Leadership at home - both towards my wife and kids.
To set time aside - just start once a week - and really pray with my wife.
Sharing more on God's word, be a spiritual guide for the kids. Not sure what yet, need to pray and work on this.

Games. This is the year I played a lot of games. From Candy Crush - starting in July, bad influence from my inlaws!!!! - I zipped through till now am at level 500. Thankful that I've exceeded the iphone/ipad levels, so only play when I get on facebook - which is a lot less! I was really really playing lots before *cough*addicted*cough*....

Mechwarrior online- also started this in 2013 with my friends from my gaming days 25 years ago?!!!
Played a lot, mostly after family went to sleep. Played often to 1am plus. Not enough sleep, so QT suffers. The only silver lining is, I'm back in touch with a few of them. Too much maybe....

At the end of the year, switched to War Thunder. Sigh.
This is like sin, it is fun, tastes good, but can easily take over your life. It's a bittersweet experience, sweet on the outside, but bitter inside. And honestly - I. Don't. Want. To. Stop.

Reading. Read quite a bit, surprisingly. Now reading Game of Thrones, it was a bit tough going in 1st book, but now 2nd book, its getting better and more enjoyable.
I also found another series I like (after finishing Tom Clancy books) - Jack Reacher. Enjoyed book 1, and bought a whole bunch during black friday sale - which I will read after I finish book 2 of Game of Thrones.

2014: Play less (school nights: stop playing at midnight - give me 6 hours sleep at night, which I need). I'm not going to learn my photoshop, if I play every night. So I need to cut that too. So to make my resolution meaningful, let's say 4 nights max. Max midnight. Hopefully... Prayerfully.

That's about it for now. Rambled enough.
On the whole, I feel that I didn't do enough, could have done more in 2013, more productive.
Let's see in year's time, if things have changed, have I progressed? regressed? how many resolutions have I managed to keep.

Its a new year, new beginnings. Have a blessed 2014.

Soo Sing

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