Wednesday 18 May 2011

10 Vietnam Take Aways

Surprisingly, this is not food related. I have my favorite place to bang ve/ ta pao/ take-away my lunch here, but that's another story.

We had a fabulous dinner last night with close friends, and got me thinking after.
As we near the end of our Vietnam posting, we've had the opportunity to look back and "review" the past 3 years.

1.R/ship with kids
We struggled with various issues (*cough* kids *cough*) whilst in Singapore just before, and really, I can say that with more time available, more family holidays, less school pressures, closer friends' support, we're really bonded better, and have a much better r/ship with them. Better... not necessarily good.

2.Kids salvation
My youngest Son accepted Christ in my kitchen, during Bible Club with Bonnie facilitating.
Shortly after, my daughter accepted Christ whilst doing QT with me one night.
What more can I say, except Thank You God!

3.Wife's faith
Vietnam has been really good to her. She found a group of committed lady Christians, all living nearby, and had the wonderful opportunity to pray, learn the bible, plan for kids camps, work parties, share, cry (my assumption....) and grow in the Lord. It's the bestest it's ever been.

4.My faith
I shared this morning with Men's Fellowship - I think in terms of digging into and learning God's Word, I've probably grown the least, since I became a Christian back in 1992.
Unfortunately, in the last 10 odd years, my learning has had an external impetus, whether it is leading bible studies, or giving talks - I was forced to really study the word of God. I do think I've missed that in the last 3 years (my excessive traveling has not really helped much).

I guess in hind sight, I should have done more, and something for me to work on, in my next phase in life.

But knowledge is not faith.

God has forced me to grow in other areas of my life.

5.Kid's ministry
After teaching Sunday School @ ARPC for couple years in mid 90s, then 1st couple of years in Indonesia, I told God, and myself - that that's not a gift I have, and that was not an area of ministry. I gave it a go for about 4 years, but it just wasn't working out. I much prefer working with adults.

Of course, when we arrived, and Viet fellowship was planning for kid's camp - there was announcement week, after week, asking for men volunteers to help out. 80% of the kids attending were boys, and only 20% of the adults helping out were men.

I conveniently looked the other way.

Week after week, the announcement came, and I started to get a little more uncomfortable, can I just sit there, with nothing really in ministry, fresh in the Motherland of Vietnam, available but unwilling? Finally, pure guilt hurled me unwillingly to raise my hand.... what's the worse that can happen?

Ah.... foolish question. A dear friend S, then came that after much prayer, God had impressed on her, just the right kid to be put in my group. Ok.... now, who am I to argue with God right? Let's just say, it made all subsequent camps... a real breeze after.

But God tore down the mental walls I had conveniently built up. Despite the challenges, I had a blast. The super ladies, really organized - the amount of effort that went in, was unbelievable. It was such a privilege for me, to be part of that ministry - and I just came back for more!

6. Music ministry
I've dabbled a little in the past, but nothing really formal or serious.

But I was drawn into the music ministry here, ended up playing regularly, song leading and even doing both concurrently (after vowing never to do that again, after a failed 1st attempt 13 years ago). Wow. I am thankful to T, who forced to learn to play in D, E, A (I was only comfortable playing in C or G previously). I learned to play using guitar chords (I used to only play by ear).

I learned to organize a team including other singers, drummer, working through song arrangements, twiddle with sound equipment (which I have NEVER touched before).

And we did a Men's Singing item this Easter, which was again a first for me, but a fabulous opportunity which went a lot better then any of the practices we had!

7. Serving on Leadership team
My wife and I, always had different ministries... always.
When we were both invited as part of the leadership team, I was honored to, and absolutely delighted that my wife agreed too! What a blessing it is, to be able to serve together with spouse. Thank you God.

8. Working with different kinds of people.
I had expected, from my previous posting, to get involved more with tent-making work, but from language barriers (I am linguistically challenged), to how God opens and closes doors, our ministry ended up mostly with and amongst fellow expat Christians, and *gasp* even Americans!

I've never really had American friends (for those of you who say, I've nothing to lose, shoosh!), and obvious God thought it to be completely unacceptable, and threw in our way loads of them! Our closest family/church friends and neighbors, turned out to be Americans (one of them, confessed that she didn't understand a word of what I said, for the first 6 months.... ). And it is such a special friendship we had, our kids were at each other houses all the time (don't they go to school?), fairly similar ages, and we even gone on a few holidays with them!

Whilst still evangelical, the Christian background was still diverse, much more diverse from those we've known previously. Admittedly, I struggled, leadership decision were being made at a glacial pace; not a lot of commonalities to talk about; differences in church music backgrounds, etc.

But looking back, oh how God has indeed brought together people from all walks in life, from all peoples and nations - and we can truly be 1 body, true brothers and sisters in Christ.
As different as our friends have been, they've been a true family from the day we arrived - so again Thank You God.

9.God's timing
God's timing is perfect. Quite easy to say it, think it, but hard to believe it, and for the heart to accept it.

God has allowed me to run on my own wisdom, till I ran out of ideas, then forced me to go back to Him, and then....  kept me praying. I must say that I've learned to depend on Him a lot more, my heart is a little bit better "educated" in trusting in His timing and plans for my family. 

Whatever happens to us, in the next 6 months, is all in His Hands - and He chooses to reveal those plans, when the timing is right. But it'll be nice if he hurried up a little.....

And add to that, I'd like more patience NOW.

10.New Hobbies
It's always fun to do different things. In Indonesia, we did scuba diving.
2009: I learned to ride a motorbike.
2010: We started running - and did 2 big runs (10km @ Beijing Great Wall and 21km @ Angkor Wat).
2011 (actually Dec 2010): I got into photography, and suffice to say, I've enjoyed it tremendously - and take a lot of pictures!

ok, 10 is a nice round number. Enough rumblings from me, for now.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to proper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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