Friday 6 January 2012

He's got the whole world... in his hands.

There are times that are good.
We're comfortable, safe.
Family's good, work may even be good.
Everything goes according to [our] plan.

Then things start to spiral out of control, freefall.
We awake from our slumber, barely.
Work hard, fight harder.

Reprieve. For a while.
Then we realize that we aren't kings of the Universe, our Universe.
Not even of ourselves.
And turn to the real King of the universe.

A short prayer.
Hope for the best.
Maybe God will be happy to Negotiate.
I scratch your back, you scratch mine.

Things continue to spiral downwards.
Hard work fails.
Good deeds goes, unanswered.
God's back doesn't need to be scratched.

Where is God - when he is needed?
When I need him.
I need to hear him.

We finally are really brought to our knees.
God has my undivided attention now.
We run out of words to pray.
Agony and groans
The Spirit prays for us.
with words, only He knows.

The Galaxy Maker
Creator of the Universe - so large that we measure distances in how long it takes for light to reach. Speed of light, travelling for millions of YEARS, and it still hasn't reached the edge of His Creation.
Creation, that was spoken into being.

And yet, our small lives, are tenderly guarded
By Him
Who sent his own Son
to die for us.

No galaxy is too big
No problem too small
No lives too messed up
No sinner sinful
For our Sovereign God
Who holds us, in is Hands, nail pierced hands.


Just realized that I wrote the above on 16 Feb 2011, but left it in draft.
Now that the storm has passed, I can see the light, and look back at God's marvelous plans and know that he is a God we can fully trust.

Jeremiah 29:11,12
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. THEN you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.

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