Thursday 12 March 2009

Life after birth

Just something I wrote 5.5 years ago.

It used to be all so simple.
There I was, all growing up quite comfortably in this nice warm surrounding. A bit claustrophobic, but more snug than anything. Everthing I needed, I had. Everything I wanated, I got. But I was told that there was more to life than just hanging around, taking the occassional swim. I didn't quite believe it, I waited and waited, and life was pretty much status quo, I continued to live my life my own way, and it made no difference. I mean, who have thought that there's such thing as life after birth?

So I made myself comfortable, becoming quite attached to my nice umbilical cord. It was my everything, my food, my air, my companion, my life possession, my life. I caressed it, fondled it and treasured it. Where would I be without it? Quite unimaginable.

Then it began on 2 Sept. My precious failed me, I panicked. I had gambled my life's hopes on it, and my dearest umbilical cord just gave up on me. It really started getting cramped, claustrophobic, and tight. My walls around me were caving in, my life was falling apart, my fears realized. My end had come.
It felt like an eterrnity, but next thing I knew, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. It was blinding. I thought I died, but I lived, I found myself alive instead. What do you know... who would have thought that there's life after birth.

It's 5.04pm. I was born Goh Chang Jernn to 2 proud parents (Soo Sing & Sha-Rin), and 2 other annoying kids (Chang Hann & Di Yann), all of 3.1 kg and 49 cm.

Funny thing is that I wonder how real my life will be this time. Next thing they tell me, there's life after death.

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