Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Parenting 102


Another complain from teacher, this time Malay teacher abt forgetting to bring textbooks, and not doing work.
Decided to check bag, after being assured that it is packed properly, and all work done.... found abt 4 worksheets accumulatedly undone! plus lots of rubbish and unnecessary books brought, whilst the right ones are left behind.

My theory was to train the child up to be responsible, meaning give instruction, expect child to obey, and handle consequence - consistently. Theoretically, child will learn... right? wrong.
It's just a viscious cycle... of carelessness, absent-mindedness, and plain laziness. After each rebuke, feel sorry, but back to square one.

So last night, I sat down w my oldest boy, checked each sheet that it was properly done, got him to empty out whole bag, and show me each item being put in. The rest, either throw or file - properly.
Somehow, I felt sorry for him (yes, had to punish him for lying to me during weekend, to wife) and compassionate as I sat next to him. Am trying to be more patient and loving - but not so easy.

Gotta remind myself that training in righteousness is long haul. It took me abt 21 years, before I came to know the Lord... and my son is only 9... but I don't remember me being so difficult!
Then again, that's according to me... don't ask my folks.

and it could be worse... at least I don't have to homeschool him...

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