Monday, 23 December 2013

What I learned this Christmas

In a sense, its another Christmas, with the leading up to it spent in another country.
Interestingly, couple of firsts for me this time round:

1.Not everyone knows "O Holy Night" 
I was very surprised someone on the music team (I led songs @ church just before Christmas) had no clue - asked me name of tune (?!!!). Really.... never heard "O Holy Night"?!!

I dared not ask about "Silent Night".

2.Saint Nicholas Day @ Dec 5
A dutch family at church shared about how they'd celebrate this, and Christmas. Not quite Christmas per se, but it was interesting coz I think that's the origins of Santa Claus.

3.Exchanging of Gifts and sharing of Poems.
Another "dutch" tradition, had a party with friends from various countries, where we had to exchange gift, then write a poem for them to read out loud.

Mine went like this (name of the person rhymes with "Ner")

Have you eaten a pink banana?
Do you dream of going to Ghaha?
Ever pluck a ripe blue guava?

When you get home to [country], don't fear
Ignore those who call themselves King Lear
Just keep on sharing the gospel will ya?

Wife conveyed that it had to be at least 4 lines long (the day before).... I decided to exceed expectations by going 6! Realized that others made a much longer effort, that dwarfed my poetic talents...

4.Carols on Advent?
Back to music at church, someone thought it very strange that we're signing Christmas Carols during service on 22 Dec, since its Advent?!

5.No Christmas celebration?
Spoke to an Australian, who asked me about my Christmas celebration - and she was shocked that I didn't really have any. I had to scratch my head on what we've done special on Christmas itself. My home church doesn't even have a service on Christmas day (if I remember correct).

Does remember about Jesus all other 364 days count?

Realized that I really do live in a melting pot of different Cultures. At All Saints Anglican here in Jakarta, we have people from Afghanistan, Holland, Brits, Aussies, Americans, Canadians, South Americans, Africans, Bulgarians, Malaysians, Singaporeans and even Indonesians! It's wonderful to have such diversity, and takes lots of patience and understanding not to impose our own cultural values on others - a wonderful chance to learn other cultures, other practices. But it's also a wonderful view of what Heaven will be like - where all people from the ends of the earth, all peoples, all nations, all tribes gather to worship the one true God.

What have you learned this Christmas?
If nothing else, here's a worthwhile saying...

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:11-14

Well, here's wishing one and all a Blessed Christmas.

Friday, 27 September 2013

No father should have to bury his child.

We received news that my colleague's son - Christopher age 11 - passed away.
His son was diagnosed with leukemia or some tumor in the spine (one led to the other) 2 years ago.

Shattered, the family moved his son to be treated in Singapore. He seemed to make steady progress, and moved back to Jakarta half a year ago, and even attending school. Then it went downhill very quickly, a fever, vomiting, hospital, ICU, then sadly passing away - all within 24 hours.

We visited the wake yesterday. There, lying in the casket was his favorite car models, one just purchased a few days back, and half completed. With my mom's wake/funeral still vivid, having been about 2 years ago, it was familiar, and yet, so different. It was heart wrenching. I sat, and couldn't imagine what it is like to have to lose a child. I've accepted that one day, I'll have to "bury my folks". It's a "natural" order of things. But having to bury your own son (or daughter) - every part of me shouts out that it unfair, unnatural and wrong.

What a reminder that we live in a fallen world. We live in a world marred by sin, and with sin. We were not created to live as such. It is unnatural. God created us to live in a perfect world, a paradise with us ruling the world with God as our God. And yet, we decided that we know how to run our lives, better than God knows how we should live, and we know how that turned out....

But we do not live in without hope. God doesn't leave us in our own muck of sin. Despite our own sin, our own rebellion against him, God, so loved the world, that He sent his own Son into this sin-filled world, a world of injustice, unnatural deaths, a world that is wrong - to die on the cross - to pay the price of our sin, and to remove that barrier between God and us.

And because Jesus rose from the dead, he defeated death, our final enemy, and promises us hope - a hope when we can be in the presence of God again, a world that is "right".

Christopher, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to know you. But despite your short years, I think you've fought the fight, and ran the race. You got there faster than the rest of us, and now waiting at the right side of Jesus. No more suffering, no more tears.

My prayer is for the family remaining, now having to grief, and deal with the loss. I cannot say anything that will erase the pain. But hope awaits. 

Revelation 21:1-4
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people,and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Turning the Other Cheek on Murphy's Day

Sunday was an interesting day.

Started out bringing my youngest son cycling, having just bought our bikes a couple of weeks ago.

So we woke up 6ish, headed out at 7 to Jl. Sudirman (main street in Jakarta, right smack in the middle of town, but closed to traffic on Sundays for people to walk, jog, cycle etc). When I got there, we met our friends, and I had discovered my bike strangely having a flat tire, despite it being brand new, and I had cycled it back from the mall recently. So we pumped it up, and pumped, and pumped.

Hmm, still flat. There must be a puncture? But the bike is brand new, and I only rode it like 1 km back home and parked underground in the bike parking area. Anyway, my son heads off with our friends, and I pack up my bike. Not too happy about waking up so early for nothing! I did notice that there was a tear in the tire, looked like a "natural" tear, along the tire grooves, about 2 inches. Hmm. Grrr.

Time to go back, there was a massive jam trying to get out of the parking area. A newspaper (Kompas) had organized some charity run event, and it was a bottleneck getting in and out. We did eventually get out, and headed home, running very late for church!

So we quickly bathed, headed out the door.
Whilst at a traffic light, we were stationary, my phone buzzed, and strangely, saw an sms from my youth pastor saying he is running late for church? But before I knew anything, my car rolled forward (I thought my foot was on the brake fully), and bumped into the little car in front! Oh no.... good grief. Yes, I fully blame him, obviously.... couldn't have been my fault right?

I get out, see a big dent in his bumper, although my car looked fine. I apologized profusely, and we moved our car to the side. Young chap, wife and young child in the back - I was expecting him to be mad, but he was really nice. Asked if I had insurance (I do), gave him my name card, he gave me his handphone number, and off we went. That was it - he didn't get my driving license, a copy of the car registration. I could have given him a false name card, and easily change my phone number.

I realized later I had forgotten to take a picture of the dent, so I asked him to send a picture through his phone, which he kindly did. Even thanked me a few times... ?

Anyway, the next day, when I got my office to liaise with him, about the claim, we started chatting through whatsapp. Found out he was a Christian (which I suspected him putting his faith into practice when we had our little accident) - and he even offered to buy my family a meal if we ever got into his part of town.

Wow, hit a guy, get invited for a meal.
That is bizarre, but made me so thankful to God to meet a such a nice guy on a dreadful day. But it did then remind me of someone else. What can I say, it's really nice to be on the receiving end.

Matthew 5:38-41
“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.  And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Happy Birthday?

After replying 100+ meaningful FB/SMS/BBM/Whatsapp happy birthday wishes, I must say that I take absolutely no credit in being born. All credits go to my parents *duh*..... and God, for the miracle of birth. So please go wish my parents (dad) a happy 42 years since the birthday of his son.

Ok, still being alive after 42 years, that... I can take some credit for.
So maybe people should wish - happy being alive for 42 years.

So why are birthdays happy? I guess when you are young(er), you look forward to certain milestones, being a teenager, sweet 16, 18 so that you can drive, 21 as an adult.

Then its all downhill after! Each year/decade that passes, means that our bodies are that much weaker, things start to creak, joints ache, you watch what you eat, watch out for high cholesterol, you aren't as fit as before.

Maybe we should greet each other - oh, so sorry another year has passed - my condolences. Clock's ticking, tick tock.

See, when you get to my age, you start rambling :p
Happy Birthday indeed.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

God's sense of humour

Never say never.

During my national service days, I made a mistake of telling my section commander - that I don't mind anyone as my "buddy" - except this guy whom I knew from before, and couldn't stand him.
Next thing I knew, they paired me up with this guy.

We were happy with just 2 children, we weren't supposed to be able to have any more kids; then God decided to throw a spanner called a 3rd child in.

After reeling from facing a pregnancy, we pleaded for a girl, then God said, why not see if it's a boy.

I told myself, whilst living in Makassar, that I will never live in a big city, and especially one like Jakarta.
I also told myself later, whilst looking for a job, anywhere is fine, except Singapore and Indonesia (been there, done that.) And lo and behold, the only option open to me was Jakarta in July 2011.

Work wise, I told myself I'd never do a certain finance role, after trying it for 2 years and hating it - 15 years ago. Well, winds of change blows again, and now I find myself having to head that same function, and building up a team. Good grief!

So the rubber hits the road.
I tell people that God is in control. Everything happens according to his Will. There are no u-turns, plans gone wrong - and just because things don't go our way, or when we don't understand it - do we then waver in our faith in God? do we question and shake our fists at Him at why certain things happen?

As I reflect back, having a 3rd child who was a boy, was the perfect fit for our family. And what a blessing he has been (as is my other 2 kids).
Some things, I can't work out why it happened - like the army buddy.
And other things - the verdict is still open - like our move to Jakarta.

No, I'm not happy. It could be worse, but for a while, it was almost perfect, then the carpet's been swept under my feet.

But God is in control, whether it is according to how we like it to be or not.
His will does not revolve around me. The world doesn't revolve around me - even though I'd rather it be.
The first thing I learned when I became a Christian is, we revolve around God's will; not the other way around. And so, the same lesson hits hard now.

So do I blame God? or do I out of lack of choice trust in His wisdom and His Will.
Is that faith? I dunno, but I guess is God is in charge, I'll roll along with it - regardless of whether I like it now or not.

Just a warning (to self) - never say never. God has a sense of humor, and he may just throw you a curve ball for the hack of it. Maybe even to build up faith. 


1 Peter 1:6-8

In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

5 Months lost and a lesson in Idolatory.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

So... a funny thing happened on 6 Jan 2013.
My dearest daughter accidentally tripped over the computer power cord at home, which was still attached to my office notebook (which I use it for everything)... still on. So it kinda fell to the floor, and started making these strange R2D2 noises.

Well, after about 1 hour, I got irritated with the noise - so took a look. Starting it up, it just nicely informed me that the hard disk is missing. Erm, that doesn't sound so good. So I reboot it, and this time, it asked me to install an Operating System. Not quite sure which is worse.

All the Kings Men Couldn't Put Humpty
So next day (was a Monday), I asked my IT guy to take a look, and he says "I hope you have a backup, coz it doesn't look like I can recover anything from your harddisk - it's dead".
Ok, I wasn't all that worried, coz I've been diligently backing up my hard-drive on 2 separate external hard disk - using a new 1 TB Western Digital Harddisk with its proprietary backup software and free Crashplan software to backup to an older 300GB hard disk. Plus I do have my documents mirrored on SugarSync (cloud storage).

Took a week to get a new harddisk installed, and I got my computer back on Friday, time to try for the first time, to retrieve a back up.

Backup #1: WD hard drive - gave me data only up to April 2012. Huh?

Backup#2: Despite Crashplan telling me when I don't backup (every sat and sun), the backup was only as at early Aug 2012. Oh oh..... A check, showed that crashplan had multiple backup copies, and it reached the max disk space in Aug - but it didn't inform me that, and I didn't check. It kinda just backed up into.... thin air.

Together Again?
So I reinstate from Backup #2, yes, with 5 months of missing info - including my pictures (those who know me, will know that that is a bit of a passion of mine); emails.
Then I went about painfully redownloading every program, and reinstalling it - Lightroom; itunes, Dropbox, SugarSync, etc - then it occurred to me that SugarSync has my documents - hooray! So I managed to get back all my word/excel/powerpoint docs right up to when my computer crashed.

Then it was to set up my outlook/itunes/blackberry.
The email setup was particularly painful. When I synced with gmail, emails kept coming in... in the hundreds each time. Checking further, I realized that I could pull down new mails only, or when I enabled POP. Since I wanted the last 5 months of emails, I had to down all.. and it just didn't seem to stop... 3thousand... 4 thousand.... then I realize that I couldn't sync the blackberry and ipad. More pain. 5 days later, just today, I finally received in outlook Jan2013 emails! I must have deleted 20,000 emails or more.

The stinger is... my lost pictures. Suddenly I remember what I lost, shooting my son's indoor basketball game; family 1st trip back to Makassar; my wedding shoot for Elliot in Singapore. Hmm. Thankfully, I'm a fairly active Facebook poster (see... there's a use for using facebook after all!) - so the more significant pictures is there, albeit in low res, FB degraded quality, but better than nothing I guess. Raw/original files are gone.

Strangely, I was more annoyed with my email, than the lost pictures. I'm not as affected as I'd imagine I'd be. This accident has of course happened in the course of the Sovereign will of God. There's nothing I can do about it (ok, I did ask the IT guy to see if there's a vendor out there, who can try and rescue the info in the damaged harddrive).

A few things I realize
1.Our lives revolve around so much of the computer, that when it's gone, I feel completely paralyzed. I couldn't do anything.

2.Back up - and test! Ain't worth much, if it doesn't work. But this time, I'm going to look at disk imaging instead, and may even spend money!

3.Lost of pictures, is perhaps a test by God. Has photography become an idol of mine? Lets' see what happens when its taken away. The harder you grip on to something so tightly, the more painful it is, when God pries open our fingers.

Yes, I lost 5 months of photographs, all from my nice new D600. But yes, it is a wake up call by God on idolatry - has it become too important to me? And thank you God, that in the light of eternity, those 5 months pale in comparison.

Matthew 6:19-21
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.